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Linda Dey

Linda Dey

Gatech career advisor







































I specifically handle the following CS students ( Last Name H - M ).I specifically handle the following CS students ( Last Name A - G ).I specifically handle the following CS students ( Last Name T - Z ).I specifically handle the following CS students ( Last Name N - S ) EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>














Career Advisors | C2D2 | Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta, GA

I specifically handle the following CS students ( Last Name T - Z )

Career Advising and Career Counseling

? If you believe an advanced degree or a career in research may be in your future, make an appointment to learn more about graduate study and how to pursue a master?s or Ph.We are committed to innovation and excellence?that helps you discover your sense of purpose,?develop 21 st ?century workplace competencies, and position yourself for satisfying and successful careers in a complex world.It?s not too early as a first-year student to start learning about the many fellowships available so that you are aware of deadlines and the steps to take to make yourself a viable candidate for the one you want.D.Career counseling, on the other hand, digs a bit deeper.The goal of career counseling is not only to help you make the decisions you need to make now, but to give you the knowledge and skills you need to make future career and life decisions. Career Advisors.

Career Counseling | Sam Nunn School of International Affairs

They are hired as consultants and supply chain analysts, by companies such as the Coca-Cola Company, Booz Allen Hamilton, Goldman Sachs, Home Depot, and IBM.Career counseling is available to help students pinpoint their strengths and limitations, specific career interests, and the type of work environment they would excel in.They go on to work at the CIA, FBI, International Trade Administration, and the US State Department, among other federal and state government agencies.Our graduates are also valued in the private sector.The Nunn School hosts employer information sessions, talent and skill workshops, and alumni networking events to support student career development.The staff at the Georgia Tech Center for Career Discovery and Development is available for career advice, resume review, interview preparation, intern and co-op search, and other career-related needs by appointment or scheduled walk-in hours. Career Advising and Career Counseling.


Contact Information | C2D2 | Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta, GA

Please don't hesitate to contact us with your questions or concerns.Submit your feedback anonymously or leave your name and email to be contacted again Graduate Advisors.

Each of these resources provides you with information about the nature of the work, educational requirements, salary information, outlook for the future, related occupations and much more.Our career library, located on the second floor of the Bill Moore Student Success Center, has books such as the Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance, Occupational Outlook Handbook and Dictionary of Occupational Titles

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